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uBlocko GitHub is a general-purpose blocker. XUL

! uMatrix GitHub (ver. 1.1.4 XUL) filters net requests.

! NoScript (ver. XUL) includes protection from cross-site scripting (XSS), Clickjacking and etc..

CanvasBlocker GitHub blocks canvas-API to prevent canvas fingerprinting. WebExtension

Cookies Exterminator erases cookies, localStorage and IndexedDB objects as soon as they become unused. XUL

! Decentraleyes GitHub (ver. 1.3.10) - local emulation of Content Delivery Networks (CDN). XUL

Header Editor can modify request/response headers, redirect/cancel requests. WebExtension

Neat URL GitHub cleans URLs removing 'Analytics' parameters. WebExtension

No Resource URI Leak adds option to deny resource:// access to Web content. XUL

Stop Fingerprinting disables/modifies some browser APIs that would otherwise allow browser fingerprinting. XUL

WebAPI Manager GitHub controls page access to the Web API. WebExtension

Load from Cache forces load resources from cache. XUL

Force Images into Cache XUL

ExportHTMLFolder exports Bookmarks folder in HTML. XUL

Zoom Page is zoom manager. XUL

Go Parent Folder was removed from Mozilla Add-ons (AMO), but it can be found at Bugzilla. XUL


- latest version works,
! - older version works,
- incompatible,
- removed from AMO,
XUL - extension written in XML User Interface Language developed by Mozilla,
WeExtension - extension is compatible with extension API supported by Google and W3C.


Brushed Metal - XP


about:config   lists most of preferences

about:cache   - cache information

about:memory   - memory information

about:networking   - information about active connections

about:support   includes very useful information about the browser in general, extensions, graphics, modified preferences

about:telemetry   includes, for examples, the time start-up measurements


Firefox Archives - gHacks Tech News

Firefox Configuration Guide for Privacy Freaks and Performance Buffs |

ghacks user.js GitHub

DonQuixoteI user.js GitHub